

Family planning can be fun, stressful, calculated, unexpected and everything in between. We are here to help at every step along the way. Stephanie King has an extensive background in reproductive science and is excited to be part of your journey.

Sports Medicine/ Pain Management

Whether trauma induced, post-surgical or chronic degeneration, acupuncture and various modalities like electrostimulation and fire cupping can be instrumental in accelerating recovery time and decreasing pain.

Stephanie King is a Colorado State board-certified and licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist. A Southwest Acupuncture College graduate in Boulder, Colorado, Stephanie had the privilege to study abroad in Harbin, China, where she completed multiple competitive externships in sports medicine, OB/GYN pediatrics, and geriatric care. Stephanie’s decision to pursue a career in human health and physiology originated at CU Boulder, where she graduated with a degree in Integrative Physiology with a Certificate in Neuroscience. Stephanie also has a master’s in Toxicology from Colorado State University. Rather than continue down a career path in academia, Stephanie returned to her true passion - patient care. Stephanie’s practice is rooted in a blend of western healthcare and the healing powers of Eastern medicine. These modes of healing help support the body, creating an opportunity for change.

Stephanie King is a Colorado State board-certified and licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist. A So... Read More

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Located at: 730 Cheyenne Blvd, Suite 300, Colorado Springs
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